
America Quotes - Page 116

In the last analysis, my fellow country men, as we in America would be the first to claim, a people are responsible for the acts of their government.

In the last analysis, my fellow country men, as we in America would be the first to claim, a people are responsible for the acts of their government.

Woodrow Wilson (1920). “The Hope of the World: Messages and Addresses Delivered by the President Between July 10, 1919, and December 9, 1919, Including Selections from His Country-wide Speeches in Behalf of the Treaty and Covenant”

America was established not to create wealth but to realize a vision, to realize an ideal - to discover and maintain liberty among men.

Woodrow Wilson, Ray Stannard Baker, Howard Seavoy Leach (1925). “The Public Papers of Woodrow Wilson: College and state; educational literary and political papers (1875-1913)”

You shake a slogan at an American and it's just like showing a hungry dog a bone.

Will Rogers (1955). “Sanity is where you find it: an affectionate history of the United States in the 20's and 30's”

You can have all the advanced war methods you want, but, after all, nobody has ever invented a war that you don't have to have somebody in the guise of soldiers to stop the bullets.

Will Rogers, Bryan B. Sterling, Frances N. Sterling (1993). “Will Rogers' World: America's Foremost Political Humorist Comments on the Twenties and Thirties--and Eighties and Nineties”, p.19, Rowman & Littlefield

People see dark faces out there, and the perception is that they're African American. They're not us. They're impostors.

"Torii Hunter, Detroit Tigers Right Fielder, Says Gay Teammate Would Make Him ‘Uncomfortable’". December 31, 2012.