Urban America has been redlined. Government has not offered tax incentives for investment, as it has in a dozen foreign markets. Banks have redlined it. Industries have moved out, they've redlined it. Clearly, to break up the redlining process, there must be incentives to green-line with hedges against risk.
The US must be the honest broker between the Israelis and the Palestinians. America needs to be to both of them what neither could be to the other: a trusted brokering partner. It is in their interest and our interest for America to play that role.
In many ways Africa subsidised America and Europe's development.
I like European and South American literature, but mostly I read nonfiction.
In one generation, my family went from extermination simply because of how they pray to God to this ridiculously privileged life I live today. So how can I not love America?
Kinkade estimated that one of his paintings hung in every twenty homes in America. Yet the art world unanimously ignores or reviles him. Me included.
In the seventies, a group of American artists seized the means not of production but of reproduction. They tore apart visual culture at a time of no money, no market, and no one paying attention except other artists. Vietnam and Watergate had happened; everything in America was being questioned.
I like something about George W. Bush. A lot. After spending more than a decade having almost physiological-chemical reactions anytime I saw him, getting the heebie-jeebies whenever he spoke - after being sure from the start that he was a Gremlin on the wing of America - I really like the paintings of George W. Bush.
I am convinced that America can be turned around if we will all get serious about the Master's business. It may be late, but it is never too late to do what is right. We need an old-fashioned, God-honoring, Christ-exalting revival to turn American back to God. America can be saved!
Leftist organizations are aggressively attempting to redefine America in their own Godless image.
If we are going to save America and evangelize the world, we cannot accommodate secular philosophies that are diametrically opposed to Christian truth.
I supported to reduce oil consumption in California by 50 percent, 50 percent in the next 15 years. They didn`t even bother to show up.
America and the world is not yet on the proper trajectory.
I'd shrink government in a minute, if I could shrink GM, Bank of America, and all these immoral corporations that operate by an undemocratic code, with no soul and no conscience.
I am more of a conservationist, myself. And people have come to me and said, "Wow, you're an African-American conservationist!" And my response is, "No, I'm a conservationist who happens to be black."
I am the first African-American chairman of any major conservation organization in history. That's a big step.
President Bush intends to abrogate U.S. sovereignty to the North American Union, a new economic and political entity which the President is quietly forming....Why doesn't President Bush just tell the truth? His secret agenda is to dissolve the United States of America into the North American Union.
To the Japanese, Portugal and Russia are neutral enemies, England and America are belligerent enemies, and Germany and her satellites are friendly enemies. They draw very fine distinctions.
Yeah yeah, it's not so ethereal this time, it's a bit more rooted I feel like. Not that Joss 's wasn't, it was just a broader stroke that Joss was doing with all the Avengers. The Russo brothers are taking this Avengers 2.5, if you will, in keeping it still a Captain America movie. It's very sort of boots on the ground kinda thing, except for the flyers.
There are rumblings of Captain America 3. I don’t know what’s going to happen there. I’ve got to find the time, man. I’m trying to stay home and I can’t.
Donald Trump was not a businessman to be admired, but an example of what's wrong with discriminatory corporate America.
I watch America's Next Top Model in the gym and go, 'If I stay an extra 15 minutes, I will look like that girl!'
Every day in America, African Americans are reminded of their race in ways large and small. Every day.
Today in America we are no more "post-racial" than we are "post-partisan." We have a long way to go.
With domestic adoption, you get a form, you fill it out, and there are these boxes: African-American, African-American and Hispanic, and you check the boxes that you're comfortable with. Race is completely open in that regard.