I don't think that we really know a whole lot about Barack Obama at all that you would really call distinctive.
Apologized for saying Barack Obama was clean and articulate.
Barack Obama did tell me that I was one of Michelle Obama's favorite actors.
For me, Barack Obama represents grace, respect, betterment and community.
I bet we`ll see a lot of demagoguery [in Donald Trump speech] about the 10,000 Syrians that [Barack] Obama has allowed to be resettled here.
I think the people that Barack Obama has been associating with are anti-American, by and large.
Barack Obama went high, despite Donald Trump's best efforts to bring him down.
Barack Obama has exhibited sympathy, if not for the terrorists, then certainly for the Islamic supremacists.
Europeans call it socialism, Americans call it welfare, and Barack Obama calls it change.
The Barack Obama Administration has prosecuted more whistleblowers than all previous administrations combined. That's a staggering record. And it comes from a president who said that he's going to have one of the most transparent administrations ever.
I'm for Barack Obama. We gotta have the Muslim cell in there just to piss Rush Limbaugh and the right wing off.
Once Donald Trump announced that Betsy DeVos was going to be his Education Secretary - a few months before I finished the manuscript - I had a pretty good idea of what was going to happen. He was going to overturn as much of what Barack Obama did, and the attendant social progress, as he could.
I'm not really much into politics, because it's rarely discussed in my line of work, but I know that Barack Obama is trying his best, and that at some point down the road, he's going to get it right.
It has always seemed to me that Barack Obama has studied intensely and learned a great deal from Lincoln.
I was never a fan of Barack Obama's bipartisanship routine.
Barack Obama is betting on the American worker.
Barack Obama is an economic patriot.
We are still a nation of laws. You just have to check with Barack Obama every day to see what they are.
Rather than Barack Obama borrowing from Mitt Romney, both Romney and Obama borrowed from Richard Nixon.
I think Donald Trump is gonna continue to unravel as much of the Barack Obama agenda as he can, and I think he's gonna continue to wipe the floor with Democrats wherever he can.
Barack Obama makes more gaffes than George Bush and Sarah Palin combined and is never called on it.
I was right - Barack Obama's primary objective is to return the nation's wealth to it's rightful owners. This guy comes, if you look at some of his czars, for example, this Mark Lloyd guy.
American Journalism is dead… They have behaved like hockey goalies in front of Barack Obama’s net.
I hope Barack Obama puts another woman on the Supreme Court. And this time, I hope it's a woman with kids.
What [President Donald Trump] is doing is taking away the executive overreach that President [Barack] Obama did which we thought exceeded his powers.