Care Quotes - Page 176
The ferocious inroads of the Normans scared many weak and timid persons into servitude.
John Lothrop Motley (1863). “The Rise of the Dutch Republic: Complete in One Volume”, p.18
Banking may well be a career from which no man really recovers.
John Kenneth Galbraith (1969). “Ambassador's Journal”
It had need to bee A wylie mouse that should breed in the cats eare.
"Proverbs". Book by John Heywood, 1546.
"Be Merry Friends". "Bartlett's Familiar Quotations", 10th edition, 1919.
John George Nicolay (2008). “A Short Life of Abraham Lincoln: Condensed from Nicolay & Hay's Abraham Lincoln: a History: Easyread Large Edition”, p.40,
Care-charming Sleep, thou easer of all woes, brother to Death, sweetly thyself dispose.
'Valentinian' (performed c.1610-14) act 5, sc. 7 'Song'
"Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: John F. Kennedy, 1963".
These are the effects of doting age,--vain doubts and idle cares and over caution.
John Dryden (1808). “The works of John Dryden now first collected ...”, p.426
John Dewey (2015). “Democracy and Education: Top American Authors”, p.218, 谷月社