
John Fletcher Quotes

All Quotes Heaven Soul
Deeds, not words shall speak me.

Deeds, not words shall speak me.

Francis Beaumont, John Fletcher, Mr. Seward, Mr. Theobald (Lewis), Sidrach Simpson (1750). “The Works of Mr. Francis Beaumont, and Mr. John Fletcher: In Ten Volumes. Collated with All the Former Editions, and Corrected. With Notes Critical and Explanatory”, p.404

Great actions speak great minds.

Francis Beaumont, John Fletcher, Mr. Theobald (Lewis), Mr. Seward, Sidrach Simpson (1750). “The Works of Mr. Francis Beaumont, and Mr. John Fletcher: In Ten Volumes. Collated with All the Former Editions, and Corrected. With Notes Critical and Explanatory”, p.133

Speak boldly and speak truly, shame the devil.

Francis Beaumont, John Fletcher (1750). “The Works of Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher”, p.333

The greatest attribute of heaven is mercy; And 'tis the crown of justice, and the glory

Francis Beaumont, John Fletcher (1812). “Works: With and Introd. and Explanatory Notes By Henry Weber”, p.479

Death hath so many doors to let out life.

'The Custom of the Country' (with Massinger) act 2, sc. 2.

Weep no more, nor sigh, nor groan, Sorrow calls no time that 's gone; Violets plucked, the sweetest rain Makes not fresh nor grow again.

John Fletcher (1844). “The Works of Beaumont & Fletcher: The Text Formed from a New Collation of the Early Editions”, p.448

I find the medicine worse than the malady.

Francis Beaumont, John Fletcher (1711). “The Works of Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher: The knight of the burning pestle. Loves pilgrimage. The double marriage. The maid in the mill. The knight of Malta. Love's cure. Women pleas'd”

Ask how to live? Write, write, write, anything; The world's a fine believing world, write news.

Francis Beaumont, John Fletcher (1812). “The works of Beaumont and Fletcher: in fourteen volumes: with an introduction and explanatory notes”, p.41

Go far - too far you cannot, still the farther. The more experience finds you: and go sparing. One meal a week will serve you, and one suit, through all your travels; for you'll find it certain.

Francis Beaumont, John Fletcher, Henry William Weber (1812). “The works of Beaumont and Fletcher: in fourteen volumes: with an introduction and explanatory notes”, p.376

A woman friend! He that believes that weakness, Steers in a stormy night without a compass.

Francis Beaumont, John Fletcher (1778). “The Dramatick Works of Beaumont and Fletcher: Women pleas'd. Night-walker, or, the little thief. Island princess. Women's prize, or the tamer tam'd. Noble gentleman”, p.18

Only look to Jesus. He died for you, died in your place, died under the frowns of heaven, that we might die under its smile.

John Fletcher (1860). “The Works of the Rev. John Fletcher, Late Vicar of Madeley”, p.237

That soul that can Be honest is the only perfect man.

Francis Beaumont, John Fletcher (1750). “The Works of Francis Beaumont, and Mr. John Fletcher: The two noble kinsmen; Thierry and Theodoret; The woman-hater; The nice valour; The honest man's fortune; A masque; Four plays or moral representations in one”, p.468

O woman, perfect woman! what distraction Was meant to mankind when thou wast made a devil!

Francis Beaumont, John Fletcher, James Shirley (1778). “The Dramatick Works of Beaumont and Fletcher: Laws of candy. False one. Little French lawyer. Tragedy of Valentinian. Monsieur Thomas”, p.416

Drink today, and drown all sorrow; you shall perhaps not do tomorrow.

John Fletcher, Nathan Field, Philip Massinger (1991). “The Bloody Brother: A Tragedy”