Children Quotes - Page 199

David Elkind (1981). “The hurried child: growing up too fast too soon”, Addison Wesley Publishing Company
The children were nestled all snug in their beds,while visions of sugar plums danced in their heads.
1822 The Night Before Christmas.
Christopher Hitchens (2014). “For the Sake of Argument: Essays and Minority Reports”, p.117, Atlantic Books Ltd
Chinua Achebe (1996). “Things Fall Apart”, p.37, Heinemann
Chieko N. Okazaki (1993). “Lighten Up!”, Deseret Book Company
As children of a sovereign God, we are never victims of our circumstances.
Charles Stanley (2013). “NASB, The Charles F. Stanley Life Principles Bible, eBook”, p.1317, Thomas Nelson Inc
Spurgeon, Charles (2015). “The Complete Works of C. H. Spurgeon, Volume 32: Sermons 1877-1937”, p.420, Delmarva Publications, Inc.
Charles Buxton, John Llewelyn Davies (1873). “Notes of Thought”, p.277
One stops being a child when one realizes that telling one's trouble does not make it any better.
Cesare Pavese, Alma Elizabeth Murch (1961). “This Business of Living”, p.50, Transaction Publishers
Carl Sagan (2011). “The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark”, p.434, Ballantine Books
Carl Gustav Jung (1973). “Memories, dreams, reflections”, Random House Inc