
Classic Quotes - Page 4

Ah, you're the one who wrote the letter. So you can write then.

Ah, you're the one who wrote the letter. So you can write then.

"Schoolboy refutes Sun's Prince Philip gaffe claim" by Patrick Barrett, March 7, 2003.

The classic trap for any revolutionary is always, 'What's your alternative?

Shulamith Firestone (1970). “The dialectic of sex: the case for feminist revolution”

Can you tell the difference between them?

"G20 Summit: Prince Philip's 'Joke' About World Leaders at Barack Obama Meeting". April 02, 2009.

You managed not to get eaten then?

"Long Line of Princely Gaffes". Said in 1998 to a student who had been trekking in Papua New Guinea, March 01, 2002.

Do you know they have eating dogs for the anorexic now?

"Duke bounds into guide dog gaffe" by Rebecca Allison, May 3, 2002.

You're not wearing mink knickers,are you?

"Did I say that?" by John Hind, June 20, 2009.