
Coins Quotes - Page 4

A word is worth one coin, silence is worth two

Chaim Potok (2016). “The Chosen”, p.410, Simon and Schuster

Learning, like money, may be of so base a coin as to be utterly void of use.

William Shenstone (1768). “The Works, in Verse and Prose, of William Shenstone, Esq: In Two Volumes. With Decorations”, p.237

Nudity is a state of fact; lewdity, to coin a phrase, is a state of mind

Paul Outerbridge, Jeannine Fiedler (1993). “Paul Outerbridge Jr: photographs”

But Jesus always leaves the ninety-nine to chase after the one. He always searches for the one lost coin.

Heidi Baker, Shara Pradhan (2008). “Compelled by Love”, p.68, Charisma Media

The truth and its opposite are flip sides of the same coin.

Gayle Forman (2013). “Just One Year”, p.168, Penguin

Message and policy are very much a part, you know, two parts of the same coin.

The New York Times Interview, August 23, 2005.

The man who confers a favour would rather not be repaid in the same coin.

Aristotle (1953). “Ethics: The Nicomachean Ethics”

A spinning coin, still balanced on its rim, may fall in either direction.

Annie Proulx (2008). “The Shipping News: A Novel”, p.11, Simon and Schuster