Commodity Quotes - Page 2
David Ricardo, John Ramsay McCulloch (1852). “The Works of David Ricardo. With a notice of the life and writings of the author: by J. R. McCulloch”, p.7
Brian Solis (2010). “Engage: The Complete Guide for Brands and Businesses to Build, Cultivate, and Measure Success in the New Web”, p.143, John Wiley & Sons
Vote: The only commodity that is peddleable without a license.
Mark Twain (1960). “Mark Twain and the Government”
Health is not a commodity to be bargained for. It has to be earned through sweat.
B.K.S. Iyengar (2006). “Light on Life: The Yoga Journey to Wholeness, Inner Peace, and Ultimate Freedom”, p.24, Rodale
Sharon Salzberg (2003). “Faith: Trusting Your Own Deepest Experience”, p.9, Penguin
Sydney Biddle Barrows, William Novak (1987). “Mayflower Madam: The Secret Life of Sydney Biddle Barrows”, Ivy Books
Brainpower is the scarcest commodity and the only one of real value.
Robert A. Heinlein (1982). “Friday”
Murray Newton Rothbard (1981). “What Has Government Done to Our Money?”, p.90, Ludwig von Mises Institute
Maria Mies, Vandana Shiva (1993). “Ecofeminism”, Halifax, N.S. : Fernwood
Men had suddenly become a scarce commodity, if not quite as sought after as rice.
John Burnham Schwartz (2009). “The Commoner”, p.8, Vintage
Rampant inflation is just as hard to live with as the devaluation of commodities.
"The Limits To Capital". Book by David Harvey, 1982.
"Storage and Stability". Book by Benjamin Graham.Part III, Chapter X, The Status of Gold and Silver, p. 127, 1937.
Adam Smith (1843). “An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations With a Life of the Author: Also a View of the Doctrine of Smith, Compared with that of the French Economists, with a Method of Facilitating the Study of His Works, from the French of M. Jariner”, p.399