Country Quotes - Page 72
"How to Become President". Book by Gracie Allen, 1940.
Eugene J. McCarthy (1975). “The hard years: a look at contemporary America and American institutions”, Viking Pr
Donal McCartney, Pauric Travers, Charles Stewart Parnell (2006). “The Ivy Leaf: The Parnells Remembered : Commemorative Essays”, Univ College Dublin Press
Ayn Rand (1988). “The Ayn Rand Lexicon: Objectivism from A to Z”, p.143, Penguin
Albert Einstein (2010). “The Ultimate Quotable Einstein”, p.416, Princeton University Press
"Sheikh Al-Qaradhawi Reacts to the Murder of Four Americans in Al-Fallujah". MEMRI TV, April 2004.
Democratic National Convention Address, originally delivered 8 July 1896 and later recorded in studio
Tony Evans (2014). “One Nation Under God: His Rule Over Your Country”, p.96, Moody Publishers