The strips are nearly effortless unless I am really emotionally upset, a wreck.
I really loved what the guys were doing more than anything, how high they jumped, how effortless it was.
Macrame is effortless.
Being effortless is the coolest thing in the world
Looking effortless takes a lot of effort.
It's always been great to be onstage. It's really effortless up there. It's not a lot of work.
When we are aligned, everything can flow, and life and yoga becomes effortless.
If only it was effortless to understand you because if it wasn't so. . .there wouldn't be any point to be by your side... —kakeru manabe
I’m in awe of McCartney. He’s about the only one that I am in awe of. He can do it all. And he’s never let up... He’s just so damn effortless.