You see, that's the fun of Buddhism. We do have a wild card in the deck that can't be explained, that changes value continuously, and that's enlightenment.
Words are a human way of trying to describe things. But they're much more of interference than they are a help in the world of enlightenment.
We can't say what enlightenment is, we can't say what it isn't, because these are words and words have nothing to do with reality.
Enlightenment is an ocean of awareness that slides through the human part of us and dissolves it, and leaves us forever in eternity.
Enlightenment means having no human mind, no limitations. Your awareness is eternity, timeless, infinite, beyond boundaries, and yet it exists within all things.
While I may not be able to describe to you exactly what enlightenment is like, I can tell you that it is wonderful beyond understanding. The experience of enlightenment frees your mind from painful and limited states of awareness.
Enlightenment, meditation is really a shift in perception. It's not a thing that you go and do or become, since you're already that.
You can experience ecstasy in any dimension and at any time. Enlightenment is not related to where your physical or astral body may be, or to any experiences that you may be having with them. Enlightenment is beyond dimensionality
Enlightenment is really worth seeking. It is the only thing that gives you permanent happiness. When you experience the ecstasy of enlightenment, everything is alright.
Enlightenment is the experience of pure light.
Enlightenment is not a state of mind, yet all states of mind are contained within it.
No self-effort in the direction of enlightenment is ever wasted. Even if you don't become fully enlightened in a given lifetime, you will be much happier and more aware.
Everyone is afraid of enlightenment, knowledge, completion. People are afraid of being exposed.
Reality is not the world as you perceive it. Reality is the world perceived through enlightenment. It's the same world; but it's not the same world.
Consumer goods become enlightenment, relationships, anything! It doesn't really matter because infinity exists in everything. "Greater than the greatest, smaller than the smallest, the self dwells in the hearts of all," that is the Upanishads.
Kundalini can be transmitted. A person who is very adept at the enlightenment process can transmit it. Whether you feel it or not, it's affecting you in a very positive way.
These are the mysterious ways of knowledge, power and enlightenment. I can only allude to them in words. I cannot possibly explain what this process is like.
Enlightenment is already there inside us and all things. All we have to do is get something out of the way that is causing us not to see that.
There are different pathways that lead to enlightenment. We could say that everyone's life is one of the pathways. Your life is a pathway that leads to enlightenment.
Anybody or anything can become enlightened because enlightenment is the very nature of existence itself.
Life is an endless matrix of existence. And as you experience it in that pure form, that's what we call enlightenment.
Sex does drain a certain amount of your occult energy. But that really has nothing to do with enlightenment.
Other networks seek to interfere with the natural process of chaos. Enlightenment is chaos, complete beyond conception
The Network of Enlightenment watches over a world and guides it, tenderly. Not interfering in its natural course of evolution is our way.
We need a new imprinting. We need the imprinting of enlightenment, of freedom. That comes through our association with a higher being. So classically what occurs is that one meets a teacher.