It is necessary to disassociate oneself from those who would interfere with your success in enlightenment, in your career, in your life. They are not worth it.
There are billions of people on earth. They are all transmitting thoughts and impressions, most of which are not directed towards enlightenment. If you are not focused, you will pick up these energies.
There are those who will seek to block you. There are also non-physical forces. To win in the world of enlightenment, it is necessary to be able to will away these forces, to see they're insubstantial.
Enlightenment comes through the feminine side of the being.
Tantric Zen is the awareness of the infinitude of all things. To gain that awareness, to be it, is enlightenment.
Tantric Zen is the exploration of everything, since everything is a part of enlightenment.
The Buddha gave his first talks, and three or four ascetics became his first disciples. They recognized his enlightenment.
Even though it's not perceivable to the mind or senses, it's there and enlightenment is absolute freedom.
Only the enlightened are consistently happy. Their happiness is not predicated upon the events and experiences that take place in this world. Instead it is based on the boundless inner energy they gain from their connection with the world of enlightenment.
You are going around on the wheel again and again. You go around and around from lifetime to lifetime. You never quite wake up. Enlightenment is waking up.
There is a way to reach enlightenment and get beyond suffering.
"Don't talk about enlightenment," Buddha would say. He was saying don't talk about the nagual. He'd talk about how to get to it.
Personal power is the reflection of a person of knowledge. A person of knowledge, an enlightened person, a person even close to enlightenment, has a great deal of personal power.
Don't care what anybody says about enlightenment, except the enlightened and those who seek it.
A Zen master is someone whose life is one with enlightenment and self-discovery. They can never be separated from that. They've been essentially mastered by Zen.
In the enlightenment cycle, attention is paid to bringing back the awareness field from other lives. This does not simply mean memory, but rather the internal power and intelligence that you have amassed in other lifetimes.
The advanced education in Tantra obviously has to do with the entrance into samadhi, the negation of the self. That is what the path of negation means, not the negation of life, but the negation of anything that is not enlightenment.
There's no right or wrong in the study of enlightenment. There's only experience.
There's a path in enlightenment called the path of negation where we intentionally throw ourselves into experiences that are extremely transient. In other words, we do all the stuff you're supposed to normally avoid to become enlightened, intentionally.
Sex can never bring about enlightenment. Only enlightenment brings about enlightenment.
To be fixated on Sahaja Samadhi is to be fixated. To be fixated on the idea of being not fixated is fixation too. All these ideas and definitions about enlightenment become silly.
Sahaja samadhi means that you have just gone back and forth so many times that there is no back and forth. All you see is enlightenment in this world and the other side. There is no other side anymore. It means that you are wakeful.
I've never met anyone who's serious about enlightenment.
One evening you may learn about enlightenment, koans, meditation and personal power.
I personally, only work with people in my business who show excellence. I have a business, the business of enlightenment.