With the use of psychedelics, it was all based around the Tibetan Book of the Dead, using them to experience enlightenment.
You may have thousands of lives to go between now and before you're a real hard-core seeker of enlightenment, hardcore meaning you just love it.
Ashrams often become places where there is a hierarchy and a pecking order and not much enlightenment. That is what some people are drawn to. But that has nothing to do with enlightenment.
Every moment gives birth to the next moment and influences it. Getting out of that chain of perpetual being is getting off the wheel of birth and death. That is enlightenment.
All souls do not reach enlightenment. Some souls reach a certain point and stay there. Some souls actually decline and go into different cycles.
You're an emanation of enlightenment. Enlightenment, which is the universe, has created the hallucination that is you in a form that shifts.
Zen is a very fast path to enlightenment, fast in comparison to some other paths, not fast for the person who practices it. There is no sense of speed.
Zen is a very quick path to enlightenment and development of the mind and all its facilities.
Meditate on enlightenment. Read the exploits of the great teachers, the great saints. They'll inspire you. Their power is there.
Enlightenment is a journey. It is a journey that is made alone. It is a journey that is made with a teacher.
I think enlightenment is something that you decide to do after you have met someone who is enlightened. Something touches your heart, your being at a very deep level.
Selectively pick a teacher, one that you respect, not just someone who can talk with wonderful poetic figures about enlightenment, but someone who has the personal power to bring you into altered states of awareness.
The pathway to enlightenment is joyful. It may sound harsh. I suggest just the opposite. It is rather easy compared to the possibilities of staying in pain and illusion.
Power is the big obstacle, or one of them, that you have to overcome and learn to deal with effectively before you can reach enlightenment.
If you seek to change your life and attain enlightenment, you must deal with these questions. If there is no truth in this, then ignore these silly words.
You have developed the second attention much more than you realize and you use it more than you realize as a woman. That's why I feel women can attain enlightenment more easily than men.
More men will continue to attain enlightenment than women, unless women change their use of the second attention.
Today for the first time, at least in this country, you don't have to use those powers to survive. Our societal structure now provides the possibility to survive without using sexual manipulation.
I don't feel that men have been wrong. I don't feel that women are wrong for using their second attention to combat sexual repression. That's just how it's been.
For the first time, we live in a society that shows any sign of the possibility of women changing this condition.
Through the proper application of kundalini, a woman can quickly become aware of the tremendous power that resides inside herself and reach enlightenment.
Meditation erases conditioning. It allows a person to channel the kundalini energy through their subtle physical body and reach enlightened states of awareness.
You must ban together with other women of like mind and for the first time find fellowship, womanship, without the need to compete, without having to climb to the top over each other.
As a woman you must unite with other women for a while and perhaps even reject the world of men, just to balance yourself.
If her security rests upon her alliance with a man, another woman may take that man away; therefore women have no unity between themselves.