Women do not help each other attain enlightenment because in the description of the world they've been given, unlike that of men, it's every woman for herself in order to survive.
What a man must do is realize that his continued belief in the inferiority of women is going to produce a type of karma that is going to hold him back, and already has.
Women have allowed you to think that, which is a part of their inaccessibility in using their second attention.
The majority of times when a man thinks he has been the instigator, which men like to think, in sexual and romantic experiences, that has not been the case.
Much of the time your attention is directed towards the world of sexuality, it's done through the second attention of a woman - not simply in your physical presence but from thousands of miles away.
If it's not true love, then that energy will gradually wear the subtle physical down.
These energies when directed towards the subtle physical body cause the subtle physical body to break down, to lose its lumonisity.
God then made the first woman, not directly out of his own substance, but from Adam's rib. Her purpose was to serve man.
God is seen as a male whose first creation was another man, Adam, whom we are told was made in his image and likeness.
Women have been sexual slaves for most of recorded history.
When you wish to subjugate a people, you have to convince them of their own inherent weakness.
A woman's place, her entire experience in life, has been and in many places still is dependent upon the man she marries.
Many religions over the years have suggested that when a woman is menstruating, she should be avoided and not touched.
Men, through the ideas they have, project a field of attention that limits women.
They have rejected that power and sought to convince women of the exact opposite, that they are powerless.
Men have reacted very negatively to the power that is inherent in women.
There's this absurd innate need in most men to feel that they're more powerful than women are, which is ridiculous.
Historically men have suppressed women quite effectively. They have suppressed women since the beginning of our history.
Women have been systematically pushed out of spirituality by men.
They are denied access to the more advanced techniques of releasing the kundalini energy, which bring about quantum leaps in self-awareness.
It is equally easy, initially, for either a man or a woman to attain enlightenment, what we would call liberation or self-realization.
It is much easier for a woman to meditate than it is for men, innately. Their subtle physical bodies pick up the kundalini much more quickly.
What is a woman? A woman is chaos. Chaos is the naturally perfect state of all things.
What is male and female? Is it just a physical condition? No. The energy runs very, very differently in a woman than in a man.
The world has never had a greater need for enlightened women and men.