Frogs Quotes

C.S.Lewis (2016). “The Chronicles of Narnia Vol IV: The Silver Chair”, p.56, ENRICH CULTURE GROUP LIMITED
The tadpole poet will never grow into anything bigger than a frog.
Algernon Charles Swinburne, Clyde Kenneth Hyder (1966). “Swinburne Replies: Notes on Poems and Reviews, Under the Microscope [and] Dedicatory Epistle”, p.72, Syracuse University Press
Matsuo Basho, “The Old Pond”
Ads are carefully designed by the Madison Avenue frog-men of-the-mind for semiconscious exposure.
Marshall McLuhan (1964). “Understanding media: the extensions of man”
Anne Sexton, Diane Wood Middlebrook, Diana Hume George (2000). “Selected Poems of Anne Sexton”, p.164, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Song: Would You Die For Me, Album: Born Again, 1999