Dreams about the future are always filled with gadgets.
What is so brilliant about the gadgets is their simplicity.
All these gadgets, the phone and the computer, they expose the inside of your brain in a way that's bad.
We cannot get grace from gadgets.
A new gadget that lasts only five minutes is worth more than an immortal work that bores everyone.
For safety is not a gadget but a state of mind.
The Internet's completely over. [...] The Internet's like MTV. At one time MTV was hip and suddenly it became outdated. Anyway, all these computers and digital gadgets are no good. [...] They just fill your head with numbers and that can't be good for you.
I liked to work in a shop down in the basement and invent things and build gadgets.
For a homebody like me, the evolution of gadgets has been a blessing.
I'm not really gadget oriented. I'm not into technology or computers. I'm not good at interfacing with that sort of gear.
The perfect gadget would somehow allow me to fly. Isn't that what everybody wants? It would also cook a damn good microwave pizza. So while in flight you had something to eat - an in-flight meal. Where would I go? Well, nowadays, it would probably just take me to work a lot quicker.
It is assumed that anyone who makes a million dollars has a unique gift, though he might have made it off some useless gadget.
I'm a little bit of a geek - I have to be the first person to get new things when they come out. I always want to buy and try new gadgets.
I don't own a computer. I've never seen anything online at all - nothing. I don't own a word processor. I have none of that stuff. It's not an act of rebellion. I'm just not a gadget person.
I'm not very geeky. I'm quite homespun. I would say I'm more modern rustic than gadget-orientated. I like woollen things and log fires and whiskey
Then came the gadgeteer, otherwise known as the sporting-goods dealer. He has draped the American outdoorsman with an infinity of contraptions, all offered as aids to self-reliance, hardihood, woodcraft, or marksmanship, but too often functioning as substitutes for them. Gadgets fill the pockets, they dangle from neck and belt. The overflow fills the auto-trunk and also the trailer. Each item of outdoor equipment grows lighter and often better, but the aggregate poundage becomes tonnage.
Most of us carry at least one device, all the time, every day. In fact many of us would feel naked without our smartphone. It's hardly surprising mobile search queries - and mobile commerce - are growing dramatically across the world.
I don't really flaunt any gadget, but I am loving my Nokia Lumia.
We need to re-create boundaries. When you carry a digital gadget that creates a virtual link to the office, you need to create a virtual boundary that didn't exist before.
I have tried every amp, distortion box, gadget etc. that has ever been made since 1967 to present and nothing has sounded like the Tonebone. It has become an incredible asset to my sound and I recommend this to anyone who is looking for that NATURAL warm sound with sustain for days and days! Buy this now!
Counterterrorism isn't really about the nunchakus, the guns and gadgets. It's about psychology.
The modern computer with all its various gadgets and wonderful electronic facilities now makes it possible to preserve and reinvigorate all the cultural richness of mankind.
Digital gadgets often plug us into an environment that's more cluttered than the real world.
The size of a studio film lets you see technology in a way that you wouldn't on an independent film, like the gadgets and the angles and all that.
No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets.