Ideas Quotes - Page 180
Alexis de Tocqueville, Arthur Goldhammer (2004). “Democracy in America”, p.186, Library of America
Alexandre Dumas (2016). “The Count of Monte Cristo”, p.146, Xist Publishing
Alex Pentland (2014). “Social Physics: How Social Networks Can Make Us Smarter”, p.8, Penguin
Alex Faickney Osborn (1948). “Your Creative Power: How to Use Imagination”
Aldo Leopold (2013). “Aldo Leopold: A Sand County Almanac & Other Writings on Conservation and Ecology: (Library of America #238)”, p.34, Library of America
Adolfo Bioy Casares, Ruth L. C. Simms (2003). “The invention of Morel”, New York Review of Books
Adolf Hitler (1994). “The Speeches of Adolf Hitler, April 1922-August 1939: An English Translation of Representative Passages Arranged Under Subjects and Edited by Norman H. Baynes”
Adolf Hitler (1944). “Hitler's Words: Two Decades of National Socialism, 1923-1943”
The idea of music is to liberate the listener and lead him to a frame where he feels he is elevated.
Yukio Mishima (2011). “The Temple of the Golden Pavilion”, p.52, Tuttle Publishing