Ideas Quotes - Page 181
"The Anarchist Cookbook". Book by William Powell, Chapter Three: "Natural, Nonlethal, and Lethal Weapons", p. 79, 1971.
William James (2013). “Pragmatism: A New Name for Some Old Ways of Thinking (New Thought Edition - Secret Library)”, p.96, Lulu Press, Inc
William Hazlitt (2015). “Delphi Collected Works of William Hazlitt (Illustrated)”, p.1486, Delphi Classics
The idea that happiness could have a share in beauty would be too much of a good thing.
Walter Benjamin, Marcus Paul Bullock, Michael William Jennings, Howard Eiland, Gary Smith (1999). “Gesammelte Schriften”, p.239, Harvard University Press
No, I'm not clever. I've always cared more for people than for ideas.
Virginia Woolf, Anne Olivier Bell (1977). “The Diary of Virginia Woolf: 1915-1919”, Chatto & Windus
V.S. Pritchett (2011). “The Other Side of a Frontier”, p.232, A&C Black
Uta Hagen (1991). “Challenge For The Actor”, p.46, Simon and Schuster
Twyla Tharp, Mark Reiter (2003). “The Creative Habit: Learn It and Use It for Life”, Simon and Schuster