Instead of being intimidated by the limitations, be inspired to find new ways around them.
I played for the best coach who ever lived, Henry Iba. I wasn't intimidated by Adolph Rupp.
Success makes you less intimidated by things.
When things are going wrong declare constantly that you are not going to be afraid or intimidated by any outer condition.
If you are intimidated by the artists who came before you, understand you too have a place, right next to them.
Learn not to be intimidated by important people.
I did the 'Tonight Show' once, and I choked up. I get intimidated.
In order not to hold a frame with someone, you have to be intimidated by them.
I'm generally intimidated by adults.
A Marine is never intimidated.
I'm intimidated anytime I work with someone who's directly outside my very insulated group of friends.
Are you intimidated by me? Because if you're intimidated by me, that's something you'll have to deal with.
Fear based parenting is the surest way to create intimidated children.
Players aren't quite as intimidated by my name.
I feel intimidated by fashion.
I would not let myself be intimidated by Yahya Khan, his methods had led us to disaster.
You can't have a conversation with someone who's intimidated by you all the time.
I do still get intimidated by certain things.
I don't like to feel intimidated by where I make a living.
It's so important to me to make the music right that I didn't have time to be intimidated.
Good hitters don't become intimidated. They become infuriated.
I've been very much intrigued by and impressed with women. But I've never been intimidated. Even if I make a fool of myself, it's better to have tried.
It actually took me 20 years to want to write about my youth. I was definitely always a little intimidated about writing about that part of my life.
People should not feel intimidated by received wisdom. You have to discover it yourself. If I tell you that Armstrong is great, it's meaningless; you have to hear it.
I'm not intimidated by how people perceive me.