I have served a sufficiently long sentence. I am not asking for a pardon of my conviction.
Day-to-day life is as simple as it is routine - though my days are often long and very busy.
If you wait too long in Vegas, you end up with a chicken finger in your underwear.
I’ll always be doing stand-up as long as people are still interested in seeing me.
It's a dream come true to have someone else portray me. Because I've been living this life for a long time, and I'm over myself.
You got married recently to a rapper. It doesn't take them long to impregnate women.
I have been on a life-long search of how to stay in shape without putting any effort into it whatsoever.
I never worried about becoming typecast. People have said that to me, but I never worried about it. As long as the part is three dimensional, I'm okay with it, whether the role is to play the heavy, the cop.
As a music listener, I'm becoming more and more ADD - like, "Eh, I'm bored with this". So who knows how long I'll be playing music.
You become more and more charged with your life and with a life that you're observing. When I was younger, I was actually looking forward to getting older, to have more insight, more understanding. I'm much more tolerant with others and with myself. I'm not in rebellion all the time, I'm not angry so much. But all those feelings are really useful [when you're young] because they fire us, as long as they don't get out of control.
For a long time the fear of seeming singular scared me away; but by degrees, as people became accustomed to me and my habits, and to such shadows of peculiarity as were engrained in my nature - shades, certainly not striking enough to interest, and perhaps not prominent enough to offend, but born in and with me, and no more to be parted with than my identity - but slow degrees I became a frequenter of this straight narrow path.
It is a long way off, sir" "From what Jane?" "From England and from Thornfield: and ___" "Well?" "From you, sir
[O]ur honeymoon will shine our life long: its beams will only fade over your grave or mine.
Very few worries can stand against the influence of a good long walk ... How many petty annoyances have I thus walked away!
So I did that for a long time in my career, and I waited for parts to play myself just physically down a little bit. But I do feel like I'm at a place in my career now where I don't necessarily fret about that too much anymore.
A while back there was this fad where a big star [would get] a producing credit and you'd ask around, and people were like, "No, they didn't produce, they just took the credit." I was flabbergasted. So when I started, people were weirded out by the fact that I was like, "How long is our prep? I'll come a week before that." They were like, "We're not shooting for six weeks."
You can have rules at home that are different from the rest of the world's as long as you're not hurting anyone.
I think what drove me insane for a long time is feeling like I hadn't earned most of what I achieved because it came so fast.
I'm old enough, by a long shot, to remember going to the library and spending days researching. If I was looking for a line from a poem or something else I needed, that would be the trip I would have to take.
There are no requirements when you're using a particular genre. It's not like the genre is your boss and you have to do what it says. You can make use of the genre any way you want to, as long as you can make it work.
Hot soup at table is very vulgar; it either leads to an unseemly mode of taking it, or keeps people waiting too long whilst it cools. Soup should be brought to table only moderately warm.
I might have become a minor celebrity but royalty checks were a long way off.
My work is one long triumph over my limitations.
It is so hard and long before a student comes to a realization that these [first] few large simple spots in right relations are the most important things in the study of painting. They are the fundamentals of all painting.
An important factor to note is that it's rare for anyone to sell a first novel written before they turned 30-35; long-format fiction tends to require a bunch of experience of human life that takes time to acquire. So your average mid-career novelist is in their forties to fifties!