Money Quotes - Page 92

Henry David Thoreau (2014). “Citizen Thoreau: Walden, Civil Disobedience, Life Without Principle, Slavery in Massachusetts, A Plea for Captain John Brown”, p.216, Graphic Arts Books
To be extravagant you need money. True. But you do not need your own money.
George Mikes (1983). “How to be poor”, A. Deutsch and M. Sutkiewicz Pub.
George Herbert (1874). “The Complete Works of George Herbert: Prose”, p.345
George Herbert, Christopher Harvey, George Gilfillan (1857). “The poetical works of George Herbert”, p.303
'Love and a Bottle' (1698) act 2, sc. 1.
David Ogilvy (1963). “Confessions of an advertising man”, Holiday House
Dale Carnegie (2010). “How To Enjoy Your Life And Your Job”, p.93, Simon and Schuster