
One Word Quotes

In one word, this ideal is that you are divine.

Swami Vivekananda (2015). “Practical Vedanta Philosophy”, p.6,

Not one word of the following is true

Stephen Fry (2010). “The Liar”, p.9, Random House

I never knew what was meant by choice of words. It was one word or none.

Robert Frost, Lawrance Roger Thompson (1964). “Selected letters”

One word is too often profaned For me to profane it, One feeling too falsely disdained For thee to disdain it.

Percy Bysshe Shelley (2012). “Ode to the West Wind and Other Poems”, p.80, Courier Corporation

Put one word after another. Find the right word, put it down.

"Your rules for writing" by Michelle Pauli, February 23, 2010.

This god, this one word: I.

Ayn Rand (2011). “Anthem (一個人的頌歌)”, p.292, Hyweb Technology Co. Ltd.

Writers ever since writing began have had problems, and the main problem narrows down to just one word - life.

William Styron, James L. W. West (1985). “Conversations with William Styron”, p.17, Univ. Press of Mississippi

Were I forced to describe this woman in one word, that word would be...herpes.

Jen Lancaster (2013). “Here I Go Again: A Novel”, p.87, Penguin

Speak but one word to me.

William Morris (1858). “The defence of Guenevere and other poems”, p.246