
Politics Quotes - Page 56

Don't be deluded into believing that the titular heads of the networks control what appears on their networks. They all have better taste.

Radio-Television News Directors Association Convention Address, delivered 15 October 1958, Chicago, Illinois

Health care is a right, not a privilege.

"Highlights from Obama's health care summit". February 25, 2010.

Take whatever position you want, but do take a position, because once you do, ample money awaits you on either side.

Dick Morris (2007). “The New Prince: Machiavelli Updated for the Twenty-First Century”, p.111, St. Martin's Press

He loves basketball. And I said Obama loves basketball. Let's start there, all right. Start there.

"Gene Sperling and Sen. Kelly Ayotte; Plus Dennis Rodman on His Trip to North Korea". 'This Week', March 3, 2013.

Dennis Kucinich's politics are more scrambled than Rod Steiger's dream journal.

"The Joke Is on Liberals, Says Dennis Miller, Host Of His Own Show Again". Interview with Bernard Weinraub, January 15, 2004.

Ah, Feminism in the nineties, what a What is yours what is mine field.

Dennis Miller (2011). “Ranting Again”, p.100, Main Street Books

If you do anything above party, the true hearted ones of all parties sympathize with you.

Charles Kingsley, Maurice Kingsley (1903). “The Novels, Poems, and Memories of Charles Kingsley: Letters and memories”

On the stone that remains carved next to his name, his epitaph plain, only a pawn in their game.

Song: Only A Pawn In Their Game, Album: The Times They Are A-Changin', 1964

Don't follow leaders, watch your parkin' meters.

Bob Dylan (2014). “The Lyrics: Since 1962”, p.172, Simon and Schuster

In the home of the brave, Jefferson turning over in his grave.

Song: Slow Train, Album: Slow Train Coming, 1979