Poor Quotes - Page 21
Jean Paul Sartre (1949). “Three Plays: Tr. from the French by Lionel Abel”
Jane Addams, Charlene Haddock Seigfried (2002). “Democracy and Social Ethics”, p.13, University of Illinois Press
Isaac Asimov (1986). “Foundation Trilogy”, Del Rey
You cannot sift out the poor from the community. The poor are indispensable to the rich.
Henry Ward Beecher, Truman Jeremiah Ellinwood (1872). “The Original Plymouth Pulpit: Sermons of Henry Ward Beecher in Plymouth Church, Brooklyn”, p.386
Henry Hazlitt (1971). “Man Vs. the Welfare State”, p.171, Ludwig von Mises Institute
Farmers are respectable and interesting to me in proportion as they are poor.
Henry David Thoreau (2014). “Citizen Thoreau: Walden, Civil Disobedience, Life Without Principle, Slavery in Massachusetts, A Plea for Captain John Brown”, p.121, Graphic Arts Books
Cynicism is cheap - you can buy it at any Monoprix store - it's built into all poor-quality goods.
George Mason's remarks at the debates in the Federal Convention (August 22, 1787) as quoted in "The Journal of the Debates in the Convention Which Framed the Constitution of the United States, May-September, 1787, Volume 2" edited by James Madison and Gaillard Hunt, 1908.
George Bernard Shaw (2015). “George Bernard Shaw: Collected Articles, Lectures, Essays and Letters: Thoughts and Studies from the Renowned Dramaturge and Author of Mrs. Warren’s Profession, Pygmalion, Arms and The Man, Saint Joan, Caesar and Cleopatra, Androcles And The Lion”, p.316, e-artnow
Quoted in Paris Review, Summer 1956
I board with a poor Scotchman: his wife can talk scarce any English.
David BRAINERD, Horatius Bonar (1858). “The Life of David Brainerd ... chiefly taken from his own diary, and other private writings. By Jonathan Edwards. With preface, by the Rev. Horatius Bonar”, p.32