In 1937, President Franklin Roosevelt reminded us that the Constitution is, and I quote, "a layman's document, not a lawyer's contract."
There was very polite, gentlemanly, and - and - and lady-like push-back on issues on both sides. Chuck Schumer continues to push this idea of this $30 billion tunnel under the Hudson River, um, that Donald Trump very politely pushed back on. But I thought it was cordial and productive. The president is not giving up on the wall, and he's certainly not giving up on border security.
And that's why the president has asked the entire government to step up, on his part. I mean, there's - there are things that the private sector needs to do; there are things that the government needs to do.
Barack Obama and Jimmy Hoffa are like Tweedledum and Tweedledee, Lady Gaga and hype, the 'Jersey Shore' cast and hairspray: inseparable. The president can no more disown the Teamsters Union's leader than he can disown his own id.
That most people will not accept the fact that you are - and who was it that said that eventually Donald Trump is going to go on television and insists he never ran for president?
Under President Bachmann you will see gasoline come down below $2 a gallon again.
The good news is, the cake is baked. Barack Obama will not be reelected president.
What I don't like is judges legislating from the bench. And as president of the United States, I will appoint justices who uphold the Constitution and who don't see themselves as a super legislature.
We saw the president of the United States engage American troops in a fourth conflict in a foreign land. This is historic.
The President of the United States will be taking a trip over to India that is expected to cost the taxpayers $200 million a day.
You will never see President Bachmann step one toe out of the United States and apologize for this country.
Without a doubt, absolutely, a woman will be a president, and probably sooner rather than later. I am excited about that, and if what I did serves as a steppingstone for another woman down the course, I am very grateful to have had that chance.
I would agree that President Carter didn't live up to the expectation we all had when he came in 1976. My husband and I were young idealists who worked on his campaign.
I was opposed to the U.S. involvement in Libya from the very start. President Obama has never made a compelling national security case on Libya.
I made a decision when I ran for president that I wouldn't whine about my coverage in the media, and I never did.
This nation has gotten away from the principles of the founding fathers under the failed leadership of Barack Obama. This country could use a president like Benjamin Franklin again.
Roger Ailes said, we learned from a secret back channel that the ayatollah and Putin both intend to treat Donald Trump unfairly when they meet with him if he becomes president.
Former Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina also criticized Donald Trump during the campaign, but now she was arguing that the new president deserves a chance to prove himself, and that, perhaps, you know, having a march just the day after his inauguration is kind of disrespectful.
I don't even want to be president!
We imagine much more appropriately an artisan on his toilet seat or on his wife than a great president, venerable by his demeanorand his ability. It seems to us that they do not stoop from their lofty thrones even to live.
What do you do when you get out of the military, you stop serving? There are 26 presidents who served in the military. More than half of our presidents... that means that you stop being an American?
Why do members of my party constantly go after the president personally?
President Obama contends that charges he is "not really an American" have been trumped up by you-know-who.
Many presidents have believed in God, but Donald Trump evidently believes that he is God.
The liberal groups spent months raising money so they could take down anyone President Bush nominated. But they have not been able to touch judge Roberts.