
President Quotes - Page 5

I did not have sexual relations with that woman

Comment during remarks on after-school child-care initiative, 26 Jan. 1998

We must use time as a tool, not as a couch.

John F. Kennedy's Address in New York City to the National Association of Manufacturers, December 5, 1961.

Mr. President, the only thing that stops a bad guy with a nuke is a good guy with a nuke.

"Hardball with Chris Matthews", April 29, 2014.

Must swear off from swearing. Bad habit.

Rutherford B. Hayes (2016). “Conspicuous Gallantry: Civil War Diary and Letters of Rutherford B. Hayes (Abridged)”, p.249, BIG BYTE BOOKS

America cannot be an ostrich with its head in the sand.

Speech at Des Moines, 1 Feb. 1916, in New York Times 2 Feb. 1916, p. 1

The only thing new in the world is the history you don't know.

"Plain Speaking : An Oral Biography of Harry S Truman" by Merle Miller, (p. 26), 1974.

The problem to be solved is, not what form of government is perfect, but which of the forms is least imperfect.

James Madison, Ralph Ketcham “Selected Writings of James Madison”, Hackett Publishing