Pulse Quotes - Page 4

Sonia Choquette (2010). “Trust Your Vibes: Secret Tools for Six-Sensory Living”, p.106, ReadHowYouWant.com
John Milton (1760). “Paradise Regain'd ... To which is added Samson Agonistes and Poems upon Several Occasions, with a Tractate of Education. [With engraved plates.]”, p.206
But a Book is only the Heart's Portrait- every Page a Pulse.
Emily Dickinson, Thomas Herbert Johnson, Theodora Ward (1986). “The Letters of Emily Dickinson”, p.756, Harvard University Press
Monica Drake (2013). “Clown Girl: A Novel”, p.47, Hawthorne Books
Henry David Thoreau (1873). “A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers”, p.381
The primary use of conversation is to satisfy the impulse to talk.
George Santayana (1937). “The Works of George Santayana”
Eudora Welty (1995). “One Writer's Beginnings”, p.9, Harvard University Press