The slogan of the moderate Republican Party is this: we are rich, and we are not going to take it any more.
I believe in Ronald Reagan's 11th commandment, thou shall not speak unfavorably of another Republican.
Walt Shaub is a dedicated public servant, has come up through the ranks under both Democrats and Republicans.
[Walt Shaub] is cleared more than 50 percent of the nominations, Republican nominations that have been provided to him so far, versus 20 percent at this point in the [Barack] Obama transition which I worked on.
To get nominated by the Republican Party you've got to be pretty reactionary, really.
If the Republican Party shifts to the right, how will we know?
Republicans traditionally say, 'oh, we'll cut domestic spending, but we won't touch the military.' The liberals - the ones who are good - will say, 'oh, we'll cut the military, but we won't cut domestic spending.'
Both sides of the aisle - Republican and Democrat - have been unwilling and afraid to address the deficit, and someone's got to.
The Republican Party's history is rich and chock full of emancipation and black history.
We as Republicans have taken the easy way out a lot of times.
I won't support any budget, whether it's a Republican or a Democrat budget, that doesn't lead to balance.
[Facism] that incredibly loaded word we do not associate with the real American politics is being used by other conservatives, by other Republicans to talk about Donald Trump.
It is hard to know what Sarah Palin means in Republican politics anymore.
On domestic policy, one of the major stories in American politics has been the growing ideological and political self-confidence of the Democratic Party, and the growing ideological and political pessimism of the Republican Party.
The Democrats often seem like the Not Republican Party, no more and no less.
With all their attack ads, the President is just throwing away money...and he's pretty experienced at that.
Everyone, everyone is equal. Everyone has a place. No one is written off because there is worth and goodness in every life. Straight from the declaration of independence, that is the Republican ideal. And if we won't defend it, who will?
There is no democrats or republicans, right or left, red state or blue state. We are all one. And we are all unified against Mexicans.
[Deficits are] a yawner. We, as Republicans, have talked about deficits and balanced budgets since the days of Roosevelt, and the people simply haven't listened, because they can't relate to those huge numbers.
I think it's the broadest source of dissatisfaction amongst Republicans, out-of-control spending.
Sometimes I'm a little Republican, sometimes I'm a little Democrat.
I always thought there was some romance to that '30s leftist stuff, even though I'm a Republican.
You've also heard stories about how the military-industrial complex really does prefer Hilary Clinton because they know that she's not nuts like some of the Republicans. She will do what they bid. And what they want is basically to stay healthy.
Today's Democrats are pretty much what used to be called moderate Republicans a generation ago.
[ Republican Party] is correctly described as a "radical insurgency" by one of the leading conservative commentators, Norman Ornstein.