Smart Quotes - Page 76
Seth Godin (2009). “All Marketers are Liars: The Underground Classic That Explains How Marketing Really Works--and Why Authenticity Is the Best Marketing of All”, p.14, Penguin
The organizations of the future are filled with smart, fast, flexible people on a mission
Seth Godin (2008). “Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us”, p.41, Penguin
Scott Adams (1996). “The Dilbert principle: a cubicle's-eye view of bosses, meetings, management fads & other workplace afflictions”
Scott Adams (1996). “The Dilbert principle: a cubicle's-eye view of bosses, meetings, management fads & other workplace afflictions”
Sarah Strohmeyer (2012). “Smart Girls Get What They Want”, p.5, Harper Collins
Sarah Dessen (2009). “Along for the Ride”, p.28, Penguin
"The Truth About Forever". Book by Sarah Dessen, 2004.
Samuel Johnson, Hester Lynch Piozzi (1952). “The Letters of Samuel Johnson with Mrs. Thrale's Genuine Letters to Him: 1775-1782”