Even though there's stuff that I really like that is just a retro sort of style or whatever, I feel like what I'm most excited by is new mixes of things.
It's such a stressful environment, I find, being an actor, being put in the chair and "Touch this, that, and the other," it's too much for me. I find it hard to tolerate that sort of stuff. If you're not enjoying it, don't do it. You're wasting everyone's time.
I always thought there was some romance to that '30s leftist stuff, even though I'm a Republican.
Political stuff is all about his [Hunter S. Thompson] reaction to a situation. And my stuff is much more externally driven.
Michael O'Donoghue was a very close friend of mine - very encouraging with my stuff, and really a great guy - but he was a no-kidding difficult person.
But sometimes you gotta do stuff you don’t want to do.
I see the city as an organism, shaped through time by the little humans having habits and doing millions of stuff in and out of it.
But I loved doing the physical stuff for 'Dredd.' I have to give a shout-out to the stunt team that I worked with.
You know what you like, you know what you want. So all you have to do is find something work related to that stuff
I keep the pornographic stuff in a bus station locker.
I never do impressions, but I probably should. People like that stuff.
I got you a present." "Did you?" "It's a book of poetry--romancy stuff. I thought, 'How schmaltzy is that,' so it seemed like the thing. Then I screwed up and left it in my desk at work
I think it's important that we have a new batch of British film-makers that aren't doing the same old stuff. And that includes me.
[Shwing] the really naked stuff I've dealt with in my own life, my own therapy and relationships - for me it just feels like a film I'm really proud of.
I guess I probably took New York for granted. Growing up, playing in the street, going down to the Avenue to the record store and to the grocery store and stuff like that.
It's kind of major, learning to drive. I feel like it kicked up other stuff in my life.
I actually don't have a TV and I've been traveling so I've missing out on a lot of stuff.
When I photograph someone, I want to shoot the subject and get them out of my studio so I can play with the photos and do all the stuff I want.
It is cool to make a pilot because you get to do all the fun stuff, and then you get to leave when all the tough stuff starts.
I thought that somehow your life would be much different when you're famous... and it's not. You just buy more stuff.
I grew up with him [Michael Jackson] and I've spent a lot of time at Neverland and nothing has ever happened with me in any way. You have to look at both sides. I do think it is very convenient that his album came out and all this stuff is happening. I definitely do think that's very convenient... It really hurts me to see that his whole life is ruined.
Anchoring four hours a day, solo, you have to know your stuff. But I do. I'm a real geek.
They've said I'm gay, they've said everyone is gay. I personally don't believe in doing huge lawsuits about that stuff. Tom does. That's what he wants to do, that's what he's going to do. You do not tell Tom what to do. He is a force to be reckoned with.
Well, I tried being in front of the camera as a student and that was terrifying. But the press stuff about me growing up on his [film] sets has been exaggerated. I was an extra as a kid and I was also a PA [production assistant] on one of his movies, so I was lucky to get production experience. But I was nowhere near him.
I have no problem doing gay stuff, I really don't care.