Thinking Quotes - Page 658
John Cage (2010). “A Year from Monday: New Lectures and Writings”, p.116, Wesleyan University Press
He who thinks he leads, but has no followers, is only taking a walk.
John C. Maxwell (2011). “Maxwell Daily Reader: 365 Days of Insight to Develop the Leader Within You and Influence Those Around You”, p.9, Thomas Nelson Inc
Don't wait until you feel positive to move forward. Act your way into feeling good.
John C. Maxwell (2007). “Failing Forward”, p.37, Harper Collins
Attributed to John C. Calhoun in Walter J. Miller "Calhoun as a Lawyer and Statesman", part 2 "The Green Bag" (p. 271), June 1899.
John Allen Paulos (2007). “A Mathematician Plays The Stock Market”, p.72, Basic Books
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (18??). “The Works of J. W. Von Goethe”
The ability to think for one's self depends upon one's mastery of the language.
Joan Didion (2013). “Slouching Towards Bethlehem”, p.91, Zola Books