Wasps Quotes
And books which told me everything about the wasp, except why.
Dylan Thomas, “A Child's Christmas In Wales”
At what point is a wasp ever going to have a chat with a spider?
"The Ricky Gervais Show" podcast (Season 1, Episode 3), December 19, 2005.
"The Life and Letters of Lewis Carroll". Book by Stuart Dodgson Collingwood (p. 146), 1898.
An historian without political passions is as rare as a wasp without a sting.
Agnes Repplier (2009). “American Austen: The Forgotten Writing of Agnes Repplier”, Intercollegiate Studies Institute
Kay Redfield Jamison (2014). “An Unquiet Mind: A memoir of moods and madness”, p.26, Pan Macmillan