I didn't invent the word "selfie," but I took tons of Polaroids of myself.
The terrible thing about sunlight is it shows the dirt.
It's easier to eat nothing than to eat something.
I'd never let anybody share dessert with me or even have a taste.
TV has gotten so boring that the only thing I watch is the news.
I order everything in. I won't save anything until later. I won't have anything to eat today that I might eat tomorrow because I don't trust myself with it at night. I'd be sleepwalking. I could never leave a pint of Haagen Dazs ice cream in the fridge.
You go to a restaurant with a friend for lunch and the next table, two people are sitting opposite each other. They don't talk! All they do is look at the screens of their cell phones and show it to the person that they're with. And when people do that to me, they want me to look at pictures on their cell phone? I can't even look at little things like that. I think it is all crazy.
I'm a real conservative. I never became a hippie, or a groupie. I never wore flowers in my hair.
I've never been a pizza eater. I don't like to hold it and fold it and always burn the roof of my mouth. I hate having greasy fingers.
I can't stand cell phones and I don't know one single thing about the computer. I have a friend come that lives in my building to check if I have emails. I don't even know what to google.
I watch news from the minute I wake up till 11. Then I switch to Charlie Rose. Fox News all the way.
Of course I haven't seen it! I wouldn't look at anything of Kim Kardashian's. I have never seen that show. I just think the Kardashians are just so cheap! No class.
I just think the Kardashians are just so cheap!
I've never had food in my fridge. All I have in my fridge is one shelf of Canada Dry ginger ale, Diet Cokes on the next shelf, and ZeroWater on the next shelf. That is it.