I dare anyone to debate me on things.
Let's hook up and just bring fiery death.
What they're not ready for is guys like you and I and Nails and all the other gnarly gnarlingtons in my life, that we are high priests, Vatican assassin warlocks. Boom. Print that, people. See where that goes.
Shut your evil mucus-hole you truth terrorist. You LOSE every time a mirror implodes from your barbed and gristle image.
I've got volumes on how not to behave. I've got more information now than a guy should have at my age.
I think my passion is misinterpreted as anger sometimes. And I don't think people are ready for the message that I'm delivering, and delivering with a sense of violent love.
From my big beautiful warlock brain, welcome to 'Sheen's Korner' ... You're either in my corner, or you're with the trolls.
Get your egos off the battlefield.
Dying is for fools. I'm proud of what I created. I exposed people to magic. I exposed people to things they would never see in their normal lives.
Look what I’m dealing with, man, I’m dealing with fools and trolls.
I just think the whole disease model of addiction is crap. It's rooted in fiction and junk science.
You have the right to kill me, but you don't have the right to judge me. That's life. There's nobility in that. There's focus. It's genuine. It's crystal and it's pure and it's available to everybody, so just shut your traps and put down your McDonalds, your vaccines, your Us Weekly, your TMZ and the rest of it.
What is a normal childhood? We weren't rich, we were pretty middle-class. My dad survived from job to job; with him taking care of so many relatives, he couldn't save any money.
Charlie Sheen has the potential to cause your soul to weep and forfeit
Rock bottom; that's a fishing term.
I try to be known more for my work than for anything else.
I'm not in any way religious. I don't go to church, but I consider myself spiritual.
The last time I used? What do you mean? I used my toaster this morning.
I got tiger blood, man. My brain fires in a way that is - I don't know, maybe not from this particular terrestrial realm.
I think I have a duty as a recovering guy to help, to make my knowledge of what I went through accessible.
It's not about the big deal you struck that day, it's not about the new car, it's not about the obvious stuff. It's about that little introspective moment you had in the middle of all that. Those are moments between the moments, and that's where life is.
I just don't want to live like I used to. And at some point, I'm going to put a gag order on myself in terms of talking about the past. I've got to slam the door and deal with the present and the future.
I'm here and I'm ready. They're not. Bring it.
I exposed people to magic. I exposed them to something they're never otherwise going to see in their boring, normal lives. And I gave that to them. I may forget about them tomorrow, but they'll live with that memory for the rest of their lives. And that's a gift, man.
It ain't a party til something gets broken.