I think actually in any party it's a sign of general health to have different views, and especially on the subject of trade.
Trade has suddenly become massively unpopular. I think that's massively unjust. I think free trade has been wonderful for America on balance.
I generally think debates within a party should not be treated as a scandal. They should be treated as a sign of strength, to be honest.
Who could have predicted this, that the presidency is kind of a hard job? Nobody knew that. I also like the fact that Trump is a detail-oriented person. I find his interviews amazing. He's actually kind of remarkably candid.
I can't imagine that being in the Trump Cabinet will be a very important job. I do think this will be a White House-run administration with a teeny-tiny group of people surrounding him, including his family maybe.
Donald Trump appalls me. I won't be shy about that.
The corruption will come back to haunt the Trump administration. But mostly, it'll come back to haunt the American economy, as companies decide they can make money by rent-seeking, by getting money from government rather than earning it the old-fashioned way.
I'm of course nostalgic for Barack Obama all of a sudden.
Putin is someone who has been undermining the norms of what we consider the world order since he got into power and in increasing success.
What's interesting about the Trump administration is how bitterly divided they are in their attitudes towards Putin.
Putin has been - and with a lot of the groups, the conservative groups, the more extreme conservative groups that underlie Trump, he's a bit of a hero because he speaks for traditional values, he's against the global institutions.
I think Trump's attention span is super low. I don't think he has the expertise to actually run a foreign policy.
Donald Trump didn't emerge from the orthodoxy of the Republican Party. And so there's going to be bigger differences than normal.
I think Barack Obama's foreign policy will be regarded more failure than success.
The government is supposed to provide a level playing field where people can compete fairly. It's not supposed to cut deals with one company or another to do so.
I do think creating an open free-trade economy but with strong social support is the way to go.
Obamacare is woven into the fabric of health care. It's very hard to just rip it out, as Donald Trump sort of acknowledged with The Wall Street Journal.
I think charter schools, choice, and frankly school standards need a champion.
You have got to have two things in education reform. You have got to have some flexibility, so people can figure out what to do. But you also have to have accountable, basically what the Common Core standards were, some sort of set of national standards, so we can measure.
It's hard for parents just to measure schools.
Just, as I have traveled around from school to school, whether it's project-based learning or an outward bound curriculum, it's very hard to tell the difference between charters and public anymore. There's no fine line.
We're no longer living in Tammany Hall America.
Populists hate journalists, they hate teachers, they hate lawyers, but they tend to like rich people. There's something deeply consistent.
If I were Donald Trump, I would definitely not pick Mitt Romney because it's very easy for Mitt Romney to have have a separate foreign policy operatus in the State Department that would run a dissenting foreign policy from the White House foreign policy. There, I think the populist America-first foreign policy of Donald Trump does run against a potential rival.
I think, from a progressive point of view, to have a Democratic Congress and a Democratic White House, and to have spent the time on Obamacare, which had real benefits, 20 million insured, but not on inequality, was a major cost to the Democratic Party, costing them their majorities, but also a bit of a cost to the country, because it didn't address the fundamental issues that led to Donald Trump and that led to a lot of unhappiness, just the continued widening inequality.