No two individuals are ever the same. You cannot equate people. You can only create equal opportunity.
If you think one piece of creation is better than another, you have completely lost it.
People call books holy, but they are yet to realize that life is holy.
When you do not know how to handle yourself, where is the need to produce another life.
It would be wonderful if this world was guided by little children, because they are closer to life than anyone else.
On one level, life is effervescent and active. On another level, it is absolutely still. The inner stillness nourishes the outer activity.
What is the meaning of life? It is too great a phenomenon to fit into any meaning.
Spirituality is not about becoming special. It is about becoming one with everything.
To simply sit here and know the tenderness of being alive means being drenched in love.
Karma means ultimate responsibility. You even take responsibility for your genetics.
I do not understand why people want to control their minds. I want them to liberate their minds.
For integrity to flourish in society, we have to nurture it - within ourselves, in our children, in our education systems.
What you see as cosmos is a living mind - intelligent space.
Spirituality is ultimate greed. You don't just want a piece of creation - you want the source of creation.
Gossip is a kind of misalignment with people around you. You can either gossip about everyone, or you can become one with everyone.
I barely belong to this world, but still I'm participating.
The physical is only a small aspect of existence. In this cosmos, not even 1% is physical - the rest is non-physical.
Hindu is a geographical identity, or at the most a cultural one - not a religion. There is no set of beliefs that everyone has to adhere to.
We think there is an ecological problem, but the real problem is irresponsible growth of human population.
When you absolutely throw yourself into your activity, your energy will only grow.
For wealth to translate into wellbeing, you need a spiritual element within you. Without that, your success will work against you.
Trees are the source of your very breath - cut and you shall curtail life itself.
"God" is just a name to refer to something that is beyond all limitations.
Yoga means to unite the limited with the unlimited.
If we transform our population into a trained, focused, balanced and inspired population, India will be a miracle.