People rarely use advice.
Government regulators are another name for police.
Better to build orphanages than prisons.
In any given age it is only a few extremists who are right.
Investors believe in the best possible outcome.
The government is worst which governs most.
What drives intellectuals and professors crazy is somebody with a high school diploma who made a fortune in business. They agree with Lenin, who thought success in business was a matter of luck, when in reality it is a matter of genius.
We are far too critical of the fabulous system of plenty that has brought us the highest living standards on earth. The liberals have done a good job of undermining faith in the market system.
Perhaps the greatest difference among people is between those who never have to worry about money and those who do.
There are only two questions about government. How much do you want? How much can you stand?
Living your life constructs your soul, not a few seconds of daily prayer.
Taxes cause the most bad business decisions.
Government is not competent enough to regulate.
The fundamental laws of human nature are overlooked by social planners.
It's not capitalism that's failing the U.S. but socialism.
Most everything government does is worse than useless.
Those who help the poor the most also hurt them the most.
The more welfare, the more crime.
Private charity discourages poverty while public subsidies encourage it.
If everyone had to start up their own business, socialism would soon die.
The only time you can have maximum economic progress is when social programs don't exist.
The rate of inflation can't be judged accurately by a few items the government arbitrarily chooses to measure.
The eleventh commandment: Thou shalt be tolerant of all paths that lead to God.
People who never seen to learn claim the government can be made more efficient.
The foremost corporate responsibility is to serve others so well you produce a profit.