Government charity gives the most to those who refuse to help themselves; private charity gives less.
The idea that government can instruct private enterprise on how to eliminate waste is preposterous.
Incompetent government embraces hiring quotas, thus furthering their incompetence.
The economy that leads the world will be the one with the most millionaires and billionaires.
Nothing's worse than a business person who sells out to the left, if you're a capitalist, stand up and be counted.
Our contemporary brand of socialism has one fatal flaw. It's too expensive. When you try to shower benefits on so many recipients, you eventually must resort to subterfuge. Foremost among those tricks is money and credit expansion. Inevitably, you debase your currency.
The one thing that flies in the face of all human history and experience, is that the government can do a superior job than the private sector.
Governments institutionalize something for nothing.
Taxes are a penalty on progress.
Let one state in the U.S. be free of government and overnight you would have an economic powerhouse.
Unions are at a disadvantage in a company vote because the employees can see that the greatest advocates of unionization are often the malcontents and marginal workers.
With socialized medicine, the trick is not to die while waiting for treatment.
It is said that government is a necessary evil, but it is far more evil than it is necessary.
People want government to solve problems, but government is often the cause of the problem.
The government endangers us with our own money.
When people criticize the free market, they are usually complaining about what happens when you intervene in the free market.
Government is no more than taxpayers hiring the most inefficient organization to do the job.
The reason our economic crisis has been forestalled is the reason there will be an economic crisis.
Any nation that allows the government to dominate its monetary and economic policies will ultimately suffer grave consequences.
The more successful an organization becomes, the more difficult it is to deal with.
The more noteworthy a person's achievements, the more government agents are attracted to investigating that person.