Jimmy Breslin Quotes
1990 In The Times, 9 May
Jimmy Breslin (2012). “How the Good Guys Finally Won: Notes from an Impeachment Summer”, p.40, Open Road Media
Jimmy Breslin (1986). “Table money”
How the Good Guys Finally Won: Notes from an Impeachment Summer (1975). Usually quoted as "smoke and mirrors."
Jimmy Breslin (2012). “Table Money: A Novel”, p.204, Open Road Media
The test of a good idea is its ability to last through a hangover
Jimmy Breslin (1997). “I Want to Thank My Brain for Remembering Me: A Memoir”, Macmillan Reference USA
Marvelous Marv was holding down first base. This is like saying Willie Sutton works at your bank.
Jimmy Breslin (2012). “Can't Anybody Here Play This Game?: The Improbable Saga of the New York Mets' First Year”, p.14, Open Road Media
Jimmy Breslin (2012). “Table Money: A Novel”, p.563, Open Road Media
Jimmy Breslin (1969). “The gang that couldn't shoot straight”, Viking Adult