
Jimmy Breslin Quotes

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The office of president is a bastardized thing, half royalty and half democracy that nobody knows whether to genuflect or spit.

Jimmy Breslin (2012). “How the Good Guys Finally Won: Notes from an Impeachment Summer”, p.40, Open Road Media

The test of a good idea is its ability to last through a hangover

Jimmy Breslin (1997). “I Want to Thank My Brain for Remembering Me: A Memoir”, Macmillan Reference USA

The first funeral for Andrew Goodman was at night and it was a lot of work. To begin with they had to kill him.

"A talk with Jimmy Breslin, New York's "New Yorkiest" writer" by Jerry Schwartz, March 19, 2017.

Marvelous Marv was holding down first base. This is like saying Willie Sutton works at your bank.

Jimmy Breslin (2012). “Can't Anybody Here Play This Game?: The Improbable Saga of the New York Mets' First Year”, p.14, Open Road Media