Incompetence Quotes
John Kenneth Galbraith (2015). “The New Industrial State”, p.226, Princeton University Press
Nassim Nicholas Taleb (2010). “The Bed of Procrustes: Philosophical and Practical Aphorisms”, p.29, Random House
Richard Hofstadter (2016). “The Paranoid Style in American Politics: An Essay: from The Paranoid Style in American Politics”, p.19, Vintage
Vilhjalmur Stefansson (1927). “My Life with the Eskimos”
Mark Twight (2001). “Kiss Or Kill: Confessions of a Serial Climber”
Let me not fuss and fret at my incompetence but be still and know that Thou art God.
Emily Carr (2009). “Hundreds and Thousands: The Journals of Emily Carr”, p.64, D & M Publishers
Laurence J. Peter, Raymond Hull (1969). “The Peter Principle”
Ambrose Bierce (2012). “The Devil's Dictionary”, p.114, Courier Corporation
Carelessness with details sinks more careers than anyone will admit.
Lois Wyse (1984). “The Six-Figure Woman and How to Be One”, Fawcett Books
One of the chief features of incompetence was an inability to see it in oneself.
Kim Stanley Robinson (2009). “Galileo's Dream”, p.380, Spectra
Mahatma Gandhi (1958). “Collected Works”