I am one of the lucky people in the world; I found something I always wanted to do, and I have enjoyed every single minute of it.
It's the lack of this kind of open and honest education about sex that causes so many kids to grow up with sexual hang-ups.
The Champagne they have stored is getting more valuable every year.
Nancy Reagan fell down and broke her hair.
I can't say I ever wanted to become an entertainer. I already was one, sort of-around the house, at school, doing my magic tricks, throwing my voice and doing Popeye impersonations. People thought I was funny; so I kind of took entertaining for granted It was inevitable that I'd start giving little performances.
Maybe we should hold the next [Olympic] games in Afghanistan and hope the Soviets pull out of that one too.
Like their parents, kids flock to see James Bond and Derek Flint movies - outrageously antiheroic heroes who break all the taboos, making attractive the very things the kids are told they shouldn't do themselves.
That would have been a great ticket, Reagan and Ford - an actor and a stuntman.
I play my life straight - the way I see it. I'm grateful to audiences for watching me and for enjoying what I do - but I'm not one of those who believe that a successful entertainer is made by the public, as is so often said.
I'm an entertainer; I try to give the public what it wants while I'm on the screen, and I'm completely sincere about it. If I don't happen to be a laughing boy off the screen, that doesn't make me a hypocrite or a phony.
Egyptian President Sadat had a belly dancer entertain President Nixon at a state dinner. Mr. Nixon was really impressed. He hadn't seen contortions like that since Rose Mary Woods.
I have an ego like anybody else, but I don't need to be stoked by going before the public all the time.
Entertainment is like any other major industry; it's cold, big business. The business end wants to know one thing: Can you do the job? If you can, you're in, you're made; if you can't, you're out.
Pittsburgh is kind of like Newark without the cultural advantages.
The only issue cash presents you is the independence of not stressing about funds.
I know you've been married to the same woman for 69 years. That is marvelous. It must be very inexpensive.
I demand my right to a private life, just as I respect that right for everybody else.