
Richard Rodriguez Quotes

But America isn't a country of family values; Mexico is a country of family values. This is a country of people who leave home.

But America isn't a country of family values; Mexico is a country of family values. This is a country of people who leave home.

"A View From the Melting Pot: An Interview with Richard Rodriguez". Interview with Scott London, August 1997.

There are things so deeply personal that they can be revealed only to strangers.

Richard Rodriguez (2004). “Hunger of Memory: The Education of Richard Rodriguez”, p.200, Bantam

But one does not forget by trying to forget. One only remembers.

Richard Rodriguez (2004). “Hunger of Memory: The Education of Richard Rodriguez”, p.53, Bantam

I write about race in America in hopes of undermining the notion of race in America.

Richard Rodriguez (2003). “Brown: The Last Discovery of America”, p.8, Penguin

Human unhappiness is evidence of our immortality.

Richard Rodriguez (1993). “Days of Obligation: An Argument with My Mexican Father”, Penguin Group USA