It's not that I'm a Type-B personality. It's that I'm driven by a passionate, all-consuming desire to take it easy.
As a job seeker, remember this: You only lack experience if they want it done the same old way.
To help someone in need is not charity it is proper etiquette.
Every day is conquerable by its hours, and every hour by its minutes.
Always laugh off a slight insult, so that people will understand what it means when you're not laughing.
There are days when you need someone who just wants to be your sunshine and not the air you breathe.
Know thyself, or at least keep renewing the acquaintance.
If man were relieved of all superstition, and all prejudice, and had replaced these with a keen sensitivity to his real environment, and moreover had achieved a level of communication so simplified that one syllable could express his every thought, then he would have achieved the level of intelligence already achieved by his dog.
The trouble with 'a place for everything and everything in its place' is that there's always more everything than places.
Lend, by your imperfections, self-esteem to others, and you will be invited everywhere.
There are three dimensions of time, two of which contain happier days.
Every day ask yourself, "What would I do today if I were a better person?
Sometimes it's worth getting lost to see who will come looking for us.
As to the Seven Deadly Sins, I deplore Pride, Wrath, Lust, Envy and Greed. Gluttony and Sloth I pretty much plan my day around.
Life is a process by which a few desperate longings morph into a thousand meaningless wants.
Where the loser saw barriers, the winner saw hurdles.
God sends the dawn that we might see the might-have-beens that still might be.
Why be saddled with this thing called life expectancy? Of what relevance to an individual is such a statistic? Am I to concern myself with an allotment of days I never had and was never promised? Must I check off each day of my life as if I am subtracting from this imaginary hoard? No, on the contrary, I will add each day of my life to my treasure of days lived. And with each day, my treasure will grow, not diminish.
The toughest test of good judgment is to know when to withhold your better judgment.
Life is a series of tasks that you absolutely must get done before they don't matter any more.
Time brings an end to everything. We should not mistake for a tragedy what is no more than the passage of time.
Do I rue a life wasted doing crosswords? Yes, but I do know the three-letter-word for regret.
Politicians don't lie, they misspeak. And they don't steal, they mispocket.
What a blessing to be alone with your thoughts when so many are alone with their inability to think.
For centuries, man believed that the sun revolves around the earth. Centuries later, he still thinks that time moves clockwise.