Girls, you know it's all just a game to them, relationships. Just go around stomping on everyone.... I mean, look at this poor guy in the background with his collar up. You know he's just gonna get ruined by women.
I hate people who cry around me. I'm not friends with them anymore. Especially girls. Cuz girls are crying all the time. It's like, 'Shut up.'
Xavier would be such a great burger. He's all covered in spread.
Umm thanks for the phone. I think I already broke it.
Obviously, the best dressed awards is very relevant, I'm best dressed at all times.(smiles)
People would be in hysterics if they saw that. It's like, wow, he's a superhuman moron.... So he wears lipstick, has a little bouffant, and does little circus acts as well. Oh, he's so sexy.
I thought I was supposed to have a fake six-pack in this scene
I look a bit like him.
Never trust a guy who plucks his eyebrows.
This is quite difficult 'cause I have a really flat head, and so it's quite difficult to get a correct angle. And you can't go up from down below as well, 'cause I've got, like, rock solid gelled hair. And so, like, it was odd. I don't know, sometimes I feel like my head is being, like, turned inside out. Like that episode of Ren & Stimpy when he's inside his own belly button. I don't know.
Sometimes I think I look like I've had facial reconstructive surgery. Like after burns.
The person who proclaimed me Best Dressed Man never saw me in my sport outfit.
I would have taught her a lesĀson she wouldn't forget!
Looking scary with a baseball outfit on and a little bouffant, you know, it just does not work. Especially with sculpted eyebrows.
I'm really scary in reality. Most of the time.
This is a good look. I'm gonna mess him up," Pattinson praises Stewart. "And I'm just like, I don't know what's going on? Where am I? I just walked out of a flower bed in this scene as well.... I was standing in the flower bed and then walked out of it and then stopped and looked confused.... If I didn't have contact lenses on, that was a really spectacular look I just did.... I should have had million thoughts, like Hamlet.
I had to do two roles in two days, I'm in a hairflux.
There was one rumor that I saw in a magazine saying I was pregnant. I thought that was brilliant and it still crops up now. But it's definitely not true. I can promise you that.
I have been called Taylor Lautner a few time which I'm quite happy about. You only have to look at us to see how funny that is but it's nice to pretend I might be hiding a Taylor six-pack under my shirt.
Peter also uses his wig as a cereal bowl... He'll some times have some, like, Top Ramen in it.
I wonder if vampire's eyebrows can grow back.
I'd love to be able to fit in a box. Like one of those people who fit into small boxes. I'd love it.
I actually think being involved in the cesarean would be... I just can't wait!
The special effects team designed everything, which basically allowed me to stand on a green box and look and stay relatively expressionless and all these machines did the acting for me. Just the way I like it (laughs)
My whole head is like I've had a face lift.