
Rupert Sanders Quotes

I read every screenplay that was being sent to the other directors. None were being sent to me, but I was reading what others were choosing and what the best writers were writing.

"Snow White & The Huntsman director Rupert Sanders is living the fairy tale". Interview with Francesca Babb, June 01, 2012.

Our story is a 'once upon a time', but it's not a 'happy ever after'.

"Snow White & The Huntsman director Rupert Sanders is living the fairy tale". Interview with Francesca Babb, June 01, 2012.

I'm influenced by a lot of filmmakers; I like English filmmakers because I feel a kin to them.

"‘Snow White And The Huntsman’ Director Rupert Sanders On Kristen Stewart And His ‘Mirror Mirror’ Fears" by Mike Ryan, May 31, 2012.

I went to America with a very specific idea of what I wanted to do.

"Snow White & The Huntsman director Rupert Sanders is living the fairy tale". Interview with Francesca Babb, June 01, 2012.

I think you can get away with being a bit more political in science fiction.

"'Snow white' director believes he can make 'Halo' movie work" by Terry Schwartz, May 23, 2012.

I think that 'Halo' is a hard property because they don't need to make a film. They make far more money out of the games so why risk?

"'Snow white' director believes he can make 'Halo' movie work" by Terry Schwartz, May 23, 2012.

I mean, you know, sometimes, yeah, you wish for something and you don't get quite what you wish for. But you get something bigger and better.

"‘Snow White And The Huntsman’ Director Rupert Sanders On Kristen Stewart And His ‘Mirror Mirror’ Fears" by Mike Ryan, May 31, 2012.