I'm going to tell you, what's good for al Qaeda is good for the Democratic Party in this country today.
The American dream has now morphed into an expectation. And if it isn't provided, or if it doesn't happen, then people feel cheated.
Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi that don't know what's coming, 'cause it's Chuck and Nancy that have never dealt with somebody like Donald Trump, because they're the ones living in a cocoon and they're the ones that don't know what life is really like in the business world. And I guarantee you they don't. Business people, to Chuck and Nancy, are donors. Business people, to Chuck and Nancy, are the golden goose. They'll never run out of money. We'll keep taxing 'em. We'll keep asking for donations.
Nobody gives you money for nothing, and that's the lesson with the Clintons. Nobody gives you money because they like you.
What the left have done is screw up everybody's human nature where the opposite sex is concerned. Now nobody knows who they're supposed to be, where they're supposed to be, what they can and can't say, because who are the police in all of this? American leftists and liberals who have as their objective political agenda victory in every aspect of life.
There is an all-out assault now on the Christian community in this country.
Do you realize, when Mandela was inaugurated president, he invited as his special guests the white jailers from his Robben Island prison? He literally did forgive everybody.
Trump has a connection with his voters that most politicians don't have. I understand it perhaps better than anybody in media, and that connection that he has is not anything that anybody else can break. Only he can break it.
Donald Trump is breaking every rule and getting away with it. He's breaking every rule and getting more popular.
You can keep raising it, but at some point, everybody who believes in a minimum wage will say, "No, wait a minute. That's too much," and at that point, you have demonstrated that that there's no market relationship. You're just talking emotion. You're just talking "fairness." You're just talking being nice, and that's not how the market works. People aren't paid a wage because they're being nice to, or because it's fair. In the market, the market rules.
In the old days, the media is who held people accountable when they lied in politics. That isn't happening anymore.
The reason Donald Trump has supporters... I can go through the list for you. The issues are border/immigration, jobs, military, "make America great again..."
The left puts a lot of faith in a lot of people in the past that were dismal failures that they think are the greatest people who ever lived.
We've always known that Democrats are anti-war, and we've always known that we can't really count on them when it comes to national defense. But we have finally seen with whom they will go to war: the American people who disagree with them.
I think it's a scary thing for a lot of people to think of the government not being involved in their lives, particularly single women.
The world's always been run by women.
George W. Bush was interviewed by NBC. He was on the Today show and he was asked about President Trump's visa suspension. They asked Bush what he thinks about this, and if I'm not mistaken, I don't think he mentioned [Donald] Trump by name, but he said "I wish our immigration system were more welcoming," is what he said.
Conservatism is an active intellectual pursuit; it requires a constant vigilance. It has nothing to do with feelings. Liberalism is the most gutless choice you can make. You just see suffering and say, 'Oh, I feel so horrible!'
Some people would say we're already under attack by aliens - not space aliens, but illegal aliens.
The only people who need to be "giving back" are thieves, criminals and corrupt individuals that are taking things that are not theirs.
Nationalizing businesses, nationalizing banks, is not a solution for the democratic party, it's the objective.
When you don't behave the way liberals think you should, their effort and their intention to control you compounds.
I'm falling back on what some of the standard protocols for politics are after victory. We in America do not prosecute defeated political enemies.
That's what liberalism is all about, is promoting incompetence on the basis it's fair, because people would be the best if they weren't discriminated against.
America is far and away superior to every other place on earth, in terms of lifestyles, liberty, and freedom. In terms of the human condition, there's no place like it.