I don't consider myself an offensive guy. I am just a harmless lovable little fuzzball.
Who in the world wants to run a country where the new norm is one where there are no jobs?
The presidency has even become a partisan thing. The presidency has been totally politicized and totally made partisan, as evidenced by the IRS going after the Tea Party and any number of other examples I give you.
Young people have been ill-educated, mis-educated, propagandized. I see it in everything I read written by young people. You can spot it a mile away, their ignorance. And it's coupled with they think they're the only people that know. They're arrogant. They're a little bit smarmy about what they think they know and nobody else does, which is a characteristic of young people anyway. I was that way when I was young.
Drive-Bys want you to think that Donald Trump doesn't have a mind of his own. He's either doing what Steve Bannon tells him to do or he's either doing what Jared Kushner tells him to do or he's then doing what Gary Cohn tells him to do, and then sometimes he might do what Ivanka Trump tells him to do. They want you to believe he doesn't have a mind of his own, that he actually believes the last thing somebody tells him. I don't think that's how it happened.
The television set's on while the family's sitting around having dinner or talking. Nobody's watching TV; it's there; they're aware of it, but they're not participating. That's passive.
Mitt Romney, maybe the most moral and decent man who's ever run for president, ended up being a murderer, somebody who didn't care about animals, and a tax cheat.
Obama's entire economic program is reparations.
The number of people in public life who appear on television or on the big screen who are content to be who they are, you can probably count on one hand.
That thing, multiculturalism, has basically taken over the curriculum, or what is taught in the public school system.
These were highly civil comments for crying out loud. I mean, people are going nuts. USA Today, the Politico. And some people were suggesting that my comments were below the belt. Well, take a look at some pictures. Given where she wears her belts. I mean, she wears them high up there around the bust line. Isn't just about everything about her below the belt when you look at the fashion sense she has?
It's impossible to go through life not offending people. All you have to do is basically have an opinion on anything, and you're gonna offend people.
I can't tell you, I couldn't put a number on it, but it's big, the number of white voters in America that voted for Obama thinking it was the end of racial strife. Thinking by electing a black, that America would be stating, "We're not racist anymore." And I warned everybody, "It's not gonna happen, it's gonna get worse. It's going to get worse." And it was, it did become worst.
He may be a lot of things, but Donald Trump has not done one thing that detracts from the character or the reputation of the USA, for crying out loud. I can give you a list of Democrats who you seem to want to sidle up to who are doing their level best to destroy this country as it was founded, who are doing their level best to transform this country away from its intentions as founded. For crying out loud.
Donald Trump won't listen to anybody.
Some people really expected he could do that, would do that. They're not expecting [Donald Trump] to target Hillary [Clinton], just to clean out the swamp.
I think people will lie to pollsters. I think the truth of Obama and what people think of Obama is when you ask people about his agenda and then nobody likes anything. They don't like Obamacare. They don't like the Iran policy. They don't like taxes. They don't like anything he's done. But you put him in the question and people get scared to say anything negative because of the racial component.
You look forward. You don't go punitive. It's very small-minded to do that. There's campaign rhetoric, and then there's stuff that you actually do," and you're thinking, Snerdley, "He was never gonna prosecute her, just like they didn't prosecute [Richard] Nixon. If anybody was ever gonna prosecute anybody, it would be the Democrats prosecuting Nixon."
Right. So you go into Darfur and you go into South Africa, you get rid of the white government there. You put sanctions on them. You stand behind Nelson Mandela - who was bankrolled by communists for a time, had the support of certain communist leaders. You go to Ethiopia. You do the same thing.
Mrs. Clinton's policies, which are an echo of Barack Obama's policies, are gonna continue to wreak havoc and damage on America's minorities.
The media believes that what Obama was gonna do when he took over, go dictator immediately, that was what this country needs, finally central government running everything.
Barack Obama thinks he's universally loved and adored because of that approval rating, which is a lie or a misrepresentation. It's mainly people that don't have the guts to tell a pollster that they disapprove of the job because of the racial component, because whenever Obama's policies are on the ballot, they get skunked! If he's on ballot with them, not so bad.
I can't see the Democrats working with Donald Trump on tax reform unless the rich get soaked. The thing about this that should be worrisome is that if this alliance happens, if they're not bluffing, if they're serious, and if my scenario gets close, it's not gonna be the Democrats adopting Trump's agenda. It's gonna be the other way around.
Collective solutions to individual problems is very seductive. It's how Obama gets elected, by the way.
What does Obama mean keep working on closing Gitmo? It's a broken promise. Obama said we were gonna close Gitmo the first day he was in office and it never happened.