The fact that we're spending $700 billion a year on oil is actually a good thing; it means we have the prosperity to do it. It means that oil's being used, and oil is the fuel for the engine of freedom.
Politics is about moving forward, looking forward.
Health care's like any other product or service: if the consumer is in charge of spending his money on it, then the market will make sure that it is affordable.
Obama wants people, as many people as he can get, covered by the government, exchanges, however you want to phrase it, and the more the better, and the sooner, the better, making it impossible to take it away. Meaning, making it impossible to repeal Obamacare.
What I know is that taxation, as far as liberal Democrats are concerned, is not about money. It's about power.
When the media had their monopoly and they determined what was news and what wasn't news and when they determined what commentary the news was, that's all it was. But my show came along in 1988 and blew up that monopoly.
If we can have record high unemployment, record job loss, and just an absolutely anemic economic recovery because of Obama's policies, and he's not blamed for it, what makes anybody think he's gonna get blamed when an insurance company starts doubling their premiums?
The globalists, the establishment, they think America isn't particularly exceptional and should be no different than any other state in the world, subject to whatever a global authority might say, the United Nations, for example. Donald Trump doesn't think that, nor do I.
The fact of the matter is, Obama and the Democrats did a number on Mitt Romney's reputation and his character and his image with outrageous commercials that I thought nobody in their right mind was gonna believe. I know they're gonna appeal to somebody, but they appeal to far more. People may not have believed it specifically, but it did enough damage to make people say, "I don't know. I just don't like this Romney guy. Stick with what we got."
You can do a lot things in the ensuing four years waiting to vote. You can drum up support or opposition.
I do not believe that Obama is smarter than anybody else. I do not believe he has cut a new path and is a politician unlike any we've ever seen regarding his intellect. I don't believe any of this hocus-pocus. I didn't believe it when they said it about Hillary, Smartest Woman in the World.
I still am of the opinion that the establishment types and the left, they still don't know what they're dealing with here. They're still trying their time-honored blueprint for destroying political figures they don't like, primarily Republicans.
I go back to Robert Reich and his appearance on [George] Stephanopoulos' show. The Democrat Party has not been in this bad a shape since the 1920s.
Government's the primary source of prosperity for you, if you're on the left. And if you believe that business exists to kill you, if you believe that business exists to poison you, then government is a source of prosperity for you.
The left has written books and done little short vignette movies about assassinating George W. Bush. And once again, for all the CNN fear running around about violence against journalists, the only people I've seen picking up guns is Democrats aiming at Republicans.
How many years did people hate Obamacare? Now there's a poll out there that says Obamacare's never been more popular. Really? Really? Just how stupid do you think we all are? After whatever it is, six years of rising premiums, lost coverage, horrible treatment, no access, now all of a sudden, and there hasn't been any improvement in enrollment.
Hillary Clinton is seen as a joke. If Putin wanted anybody to win the 2016 election, it would have been Hillary Clinton, because with Hillary Putin is closer to where he wants to get than ever. It would be like a continuation of Obama, who was totally deferential to Putin.
Donald Trump was sent to Washington to drain the swamp. If the Democrat Party, as losers, can continue to thwart the winners with this never-ending threat of a government shutdown and that the Republicans are gonna get blamed for it, to me it's time to change that. It's time to blow up that whole narrative. It's time to take it on.
As far as the low-information segment of the population - the vast, vast, vast majority of which votes Democrat - if you are a progressive as Barack Obama is and you want to sell the direction you're taking this country, it's okay to call it great now 'cause you've got it moving in the direction of decline.
Most men love women. Most men are intrigued and bedeviled by them. Most men spend their lives dreaming about women. It's the most natural, normal thing in the world to do, but here comes the left and the Democrat Party trying to politicize even male-female relationships by inculcating into them things like feminism, proper political behavior.
I am the Doctor of Democracy. I am America's Truth Detector. And as the Doctor of Democracy, the deal you have with your doctor isn't changing. You get to keep your doctor. You get to keep your plan. You get to keep your station. Nothing's changing, and it really never was gonna change.
Back in the Sinatra era, you called women "broads," and the broads didn't mind. If Sinatra called you a broad, you were flattered. When Sinatra walked in, and you know what you did? You ran up and you tried to kiss him. Who hasn't seen women throwing their underwear at the Beatles and this kind of thing?
We already have immigration law, and it is being violated. Obama's executive amnesty is not the settled law. [Barak ] Obama's executive amnesty is outside the law, and that's why it's been stayed.
[Barack] Obama won two elections but certainly the first one not because people wanted that agenda of his. He never told them what his agenda was. Not as it played out. Obama was something other.
I just find this interesting that Ronald Reagan was regarded much the way Donald Trump is except Reagan was governor of California. He had run for the nomination the Republican Party in '76. But he was laughed at. They thought he was dumb then. They thought he was slow minded and dim-witted back then. They thought he couldn't speak. They thought Reagan - amazingly, a guy that later became known as the Great Communicator - couldn't speak.