It's easier to list Hollywood and TV people who don't have a radio show now, take less time to do that than to list those who do.
The Senate was the equivalent of an aristocracy at the beginning. Senators were not even elected; they were appointed in the early days. Then that changed, and senators did become elected. But the Senate is designed to slow down out-of-control, madcap activity elsewhere in the legislative branch (i.e., in the House), and the 60-vote rule was part of that.
You have a hundred senators, but for anything to happen you need 60, which makes it really hard for anything to happen.
I don't go looking for phantom statements from people I support. I don't imagine phantom statements because I support them. If they do things that I don't like or don't agree with, my support can go. I mean, my support's not wedded to anybody at all times ever, depending.
I want people to provide for themselves.
Despite everything, Trump remains what he's always been, an outsider who is completely not just underestimated, but misunderstood by all of those in Washington who are still trying to find a way to plug him into their system, and that's never gonna work out. They're never gonna understand him if that's how they approach it.
By the way, one other thing, T-Mobile, these cellular providers offer all kinds of data deals to get you to sign up. You can stream Netflix on T-Mobile, I think, with no cap. There's all kinds of opportunities for people out there. You don't need command-and-control central authority trying to regulate all of this stuff because all of it, again, is about punishing success from the left.
It's classic the way liberalism works. If anybody has an advantage over anybody for any reason, it's not permitted. It's not fair. And it's got to be regulated and equalized. And in the process, competition's destroyed and when competition goes, so do consumer advantages.
When liberals are behind something, I'm automatically suspicious.
Somebody who opposes Trump is wound so tight, they're not funny people anyway, that they don't get his humor. They really believe when he tells these jokes that that's dead serious stuff. There's not enough laughter on the left. Even their comedians are angry. Their comedians, the humor they shoot for is all personal put-down kind of humor where it used to not be that way. But Trump's humor, even the stuff that's not subtle, they miss, they take it literally and are frightened to death by it. It's incredible.
There's no thought given to the individual because there aren't any individuals in socialism; everybody's the same.
Let kids dream! Let them fantasize. Let them plan all these great things they want to be. Stoke it, instead of limiting what you think people can do and limiting what you think their capabilities are. And liberals, by definition, do that. They don't think anybody's capable of much. That's why government's need.
A job training center is not gonna train anybody for the future. What trains somebody for the future is education and passion and desire.
We should want small business, large business all doing well. We shouldn't want to punish them for the simple reason that they've gone into business, which is what the Democrats do.
Go into business, sell a product, sell a service, you're automatically a suspect to people like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton - unless you donate to them, and then you become their closest friends, and then we get cronyism.
Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi go to the White House for dinner, and the immediate belief they had is, "Oh, they're gonna smoke Donald Trump. This is not even a fair fight. Trump doesn't even know what's coming."
Politics is not for sissies.
Drive-Bys assign all meanings to local elections based on what they want to be able to report after the Democrat wins. But the Democrats are not winning elections.
When you get to the rarefied air that people like Montana and Steve Young and other NFL quarterbacks are breathing, you can't believe the competitive, the cutthroat competitive nature of things.
Donald Trump probably spends more time getting more things done than many people have any experience with, but yet he's the one undisciplined, he's the one that's haphazard, he's the one who's erratic, he's the one who's unpredictable.
Donald Trump is the most outspoken, transparent, here's what I want to do, here's what I think we should do. There's no mystery here. But since other politicians aren't that transparent, since they don't act that up front, they just can't accept that anybody would. So they're forever gonna be confused.
The more people that are out of work, the better for the Democrat Party. I know you might snicker at that, but it's the damn truth.
I have made mention of something I've found incredible a lot of times. I'm gonna remind you of it again. A TIME magazine cover back in the mid-1990s. The cover story on that issue of TIME magazine had the following headline Shock: Men and Women are Actually Born Different." When I saw that the first time, I was astounded. I cite it often, because I need to ask you a question: What must you think, what must you believe if you come across research that tells you men and women are born different?
I don't know how men can be held to that Ohio State agreement [on having sex], policy, anyway, because everybody knows in sex men don't think with their brains.
There's nothing wrong with loving your country. There's nothing wrong with caring about who gets into your country. There's nothing wrong about wanting your country to be great. There's nothing wrong with thinking that the country comes before the world. There's nothing wrong at all, and that's been wrong in the past and we're gonna make it right. We're gonna love America, we're gonna unify, we're gonna make America great again.